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Listen to the all-new APL Volumes Podcast

After a few years "off the air," we are revamping our APL Volumes podcast. The plan is to take on a different theme each season, and we're kicking it off by digging up the history of horror!

Hosted by APL Librarian Maddy Newquist, this season of Volumes will go through all the gory details of a truly frightening tale and discuss books (and movies) like The Shining, John Dies at the End, What Moves the Dead and many more. Each episode includes some history and literary criticism, then there’s a free-wheeling discussion among librarians.  

For those who like to read along, we'll be posting links to all the books and movies discussed in the show notes. The first episode drops on March 6th and new ones will be released every other week. 

You can listen and subscribe on itunes, spotifyiheartradio, or online.