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Keep Austin Beautiful Presents: Compost Critters

Investigate decomposition and the organisms involved firsthand. Youth will discuss decomposition, learn a silly song about the types of organisms involved (decomposers), learn about the various types of composting, and observe an active vermi-compost system.

Youth will have the opportunity to hold and study our live red wiggler worm pets and appreciate the important role worms play in soil building!

Keep Austin Beautiful

Summer at Austin Public Library


This summer, we encourage you to read, learn, and earn free prizes! Find more information here

We also have free and fun events for kids ages 6-10 all summer long! Due to popular demand, some programs may require a ticket for entry. Please call your local library branch for more details! 

Recommended for ages 6-10
Wednesday, July 10 - 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
St. John Branch
7500 Blessing Ave.
Free and open to the public | Gratis y abierto al público
For accessibility accommodations: 512-974-7400